happy pits

The key differences between regular deodorant and natural, plant based, deodorant.

The key differences between regular deodorant and natural, plant based, deodorant.

I’m going to share with you here five key differences between regular store-bought deodorant and my natural, plant-based deodorant. These differences highlight the shift towards natural, plant-based deodorants, emphasizing a cleaner and more skin-friendly approach that may appeal to you if you are seeking an alternative to conventional deodorant with fewer synthetic additives and a focus on overall wellbeing.

Why the Natural Deodorant Option is the best for You

Why the Natural Deodorant Option is the best for You

There is so much talk in recent years about natural deodorant and how we should all be using them and binning our anti-perspirants. Do you find yourself wondering what the fuss is all about and if it really matters to you? Well I’m here to try and explain it to you in simple terms.