Naturally at the Wrens Nest: Natural Aromatherapy Soap & Skincare (Ireland)

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The key differences between regular deodorant and natural, plant based, deodorant.

The key differences between regular deodorant and natural, plant based, deodorant.

My natural deodorant has been my No.1. Best Selling product for 2 years in a row now. This year I added a stick deodorant to the cream deodorant I have been selling for years. I’m going to share with you here five key differences between regular store-bought deodorant and my natural, plant-based deodorant:

  1. Ingredient Composition:

    • Regular Store-Bought Deodorant: Often contain synthetic chemicals, parabens, aluminum compounds, and artificial fragrances.

    • Naturally….Fresh Deodorant: Formulated with plant-based ingredients such as essential oils, organic oils, shea butter, and natural odor-fighting agents. It contains zero synthetic chemicals, parabens, and aluminum.

  2. Aluminum Content:

    • Regular Store-Bought Deodorant: Typically contains aluminum compounds, which are used as antiperspirants to block sweat ducts and reduce perspiration.

    • Naturally….Fresh Deodorant: Is aluminum-free, relying on natural ingredients (corn starch & bicarbonate of soda) to control odor without hindering the natural sweating process. This is key for people concerned about potential health risks associated with aluminum.

  3. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Packaging:

    • Regular Store-Bought Deodorant: Often packaged in plastic containers that may not be easily recyclable, contributing to environmental waste.

    • Naturally…Fresh Deodorant: comes in eco-friendly packaging, such as biodegradable cardboard tubes or aluminium tins, keeping in line with my sustainability principles and reducing the environmental impact my business creates.

  4. Scent and Fragrance:

    • Regular Store-Bought Deodorant: Contains artificial fragrances, which may be overpowering and can cause irritation for some individuals.

    • Naturally….Fresh Deodorant: Uses natural essential oils for fragrance, providing a subtle and pleasant scent without relying on synthetic chemicals. This can be much more appealing for those with sensitivity to strong fragrances.

  5. Skin-Friendly Formulation:

    • Regular Store-Bought Deodorant: May contain ingredients that can be harsh on sensitive skin, leading to irritation or allergic reactions.

    • Naturally….Fresh Deodorant: Formulated with gentle, skin-friendly ingredients, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive skin. Includes nourishing components like organic oils and shea butter to promote skin health.

These differences highlight the shift towards natural, plant-based deodorants, emphasizing a cleaner and more skin-friendly approach that may appeal to you if you are seeking an alternative to conventional deodorant with fewer synthetic additives and a focus on overall wellbeing.

Naturally at the Wrens Nest Deodorant is available as a cream deodorant and also as a stick deodorant, always with the emphasis on plant based ingredients that can help foster a connection to nature and bring a moment of calm to your day.